Wednesday, March 7, 2012

White Flowers and Pink Ribbon

White Flowers and Pink Ribbon, oil on canvas, 9 x 12

I fell in love with this shiny little vase in the Good Will Store. Among a sea of trinkets, plates, dishes and glasses, this one jumped off the shelf and into my basket. The shiny vase said, “I know, I know, shiny objects are very challenging to paint... but I think you’ll be very pleased when you’re finish.”
So I smiled. Paid for my assortment of cups, plates and this loud mouth shiny one. Returned home.
A few days later, I could hear the whispers from the shelf where my newly purchased props sat.... “use me in your next painting... place those pretty white flowers inside, add a little bit of eucalyptus and wrap that pink ribbon around my shoulders... and I promise to sit perfectly still so you can paint my reflection.”
Talking vases... who knew?
But the reality is.... the pink ribbon is both a common thread through this week’s paintings which symbolize the hope, prayers and thoughts for Hannah as she faces the reality of breast cancer. Stay strong beautiful one!

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