Tuesday, March 13, 2012

Avocado Sliced

Avocado Sliced, oil on Gessoboard 6 x 6

After the pink ribbon series I decided this morning to paint something a little less complicated. So I opened the refrigerator and there sitting so lonely on the second shelf down was this softened avocado saying “paint me, paint me”!
After slicing it in half I just knew it would make a wonderful still life... “Kitchen Art” as I’ve been referencing to my work lately. I scurried downstairs to my studio, positioned the two halves on the top shelf, added a spotlight and whahla ...it started to sing to me! 
Not without a few challenges to face - one, under the heat from the lamp the avocado started to decay quicker than I wanted and two, I wasn’t the right height to see the reflection, so, believe it or not.... I found the perfect object to give me just the right step up... my son’s skateboard! Yes, I stood on a skateboard painting this avocado this morning.... ok, you can call me silly!

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