Saturday, January 12, 2013

This Blog is Getting a Make Over!

wait 'til you see what's next!
creative idea in progress..... 
and I'm so excited to share this with you!

Friday, January 11, 2013

Day 9/ 30 Paintings in 30 Days Challenge

Today is Day 9 of the 30 Paintings in 30 Days Challenge that I signed on to be apart of with Leslie Saeta and over 260 other artists.

My theme is: Connecticut Treasures. 
 Today's painting has more to do with a color theme than a specific location. Red, white and blue.
As one of the original 13 colonies, Connecticut is steeped in history and good-old fashion yankee ingenuity. 

Red, White and Blueberry, oil, 6 x 6 , $85
purchase info

Fun Facts about CT
Eli Whitney invented the cotton gin in New Haven, CT.
PEZ Candy Co, Headquarters is Orange, CT
George C. Blickensderfer invented the portable typewriter
ESPN sports channel was the brainchild of Bill Rasmussenin Bristol, CT.

Side note: Looking up these fun facts about Connecticut has ignited even more painting ideas... this challenge just might not end at 30 days... I'm really having too much stay tuned!

Join in the Journey
 Hope you join me on this 30 day painting challenge... you can sign-up for these blog posts to be delivered right in your inbox... just look for the email sign-up box in the right column. Feel free to comment below and share what you like best about living or visiting Connecticut, and if you've never been to our "Nutmeg State" I hope I've inspired you to come and visit sometime. 

P. S. Connecticut's state song is " Yankee Doodle....."

Thursday, January 10, 2013

Day 8 - 30 Paintings in 30 Day Challenge

Today is Day 8 of the 30 Paintings in 30 Days Challenge that I signed on to be apart of with Leslie Saeta and over 260 other artists. 

My theme is: Connecticut Treasures. 
 Over the past year I've taken so many shots of places, events, people and things all around Connecticut and I'm looking forward to sharing these inspirations with you.
"Waiting for the Train", oil, 6x6, $85

Getting Back on Track
One of the reasons I'm loving this painting challenge is it's getting me back on track not only with painting daily but the follow through. Painting is actually the easiest part for me it's staying on task after the painting is completed because there's so much more behind the scenes i.e. image editing, updating website, marketing/posting etc. that goes into selling artwork. But it feels good at the end of the day going through the routine and completing all 21 steps because I know I've got to do it again... tomorrow! I'll continue to share with you my other reasons and insights on taking on a 30 day challenge that might encourage you to do the same.

Roll'n through the Autumn Colors
From Sept.-Dec. last year I travelled several times per week up to the tip of Connecticut's Northwest corner to visit my son at boarding school in Salisbury, CT. It's one hour and 37 min. drive some highway but mostly along Rt. 44. It was more of a treat than a chore (you know exactly what I mean if you've ever driven CT Rt. 44 in Autumn) It's like... rolling through the brightest most brilliant painter's palette! .Here's a place I would stop along the way: The Union Station in Canaan, CT. 
The station: 
"Better known as the oldest operating Union Station in the United States, the historic Victorian era Union Depot of Canaan, Ct. continues to be known as the heart of the town.  This grand, wooden structure was born in the heyday of the development of railroads in New England, and miraculously has survived until Fire caused it to almost be completely  destroyed on October 13, 2001" -(directly quoted from website.)
Many afternoons around 3:30pm I would pull into the station to watch the conductor slow the train down to a crawl, stop, jump off and run ahead to switch the track then climb back aboard to cross over Rt. 44. Mixing together all the colors of the locomotive, the depot, the autumn leaves it was a picture beckoning me to paint!

Join in the Journey
 Hope you join me on this 30 day painting challenge... you can sign-up for these blog posts to be delivered right in your inbox... just look for the email sign-up box in the right column. Feel free to comment below and share either your  favorite places and/or things to do in CT or... Have you ever been to The Green Tea House in West Hartford, CT? or perhaps you have a favorite flavor tea or coffee that you enjoy during quiet moments, please share, I would love to hear your story.

Friday, June 15, 2012

Under Construction

So you might be wondering where in the world did Linda go? I wish I could say some exotic 2 month the Swiss Alps, Tahiti, or a villa in the Tuscany region of Italy. But no. Here at home is where I've been. A few day trips here and there, a night at the Old Mystic Inn, in Mystic CT with my husband but that's it.
So what's under construction? My website and blog. After learning that iWeb will no longer be hosting websites, a program I've been so happy with for 4+years will no longer exist as of June 30, 2012.

 Really?! You've got to be kidding me!
Was my first reaction because I just finished designing my last the beginning of April. Ugh... starting over didn't excite me one bit. I test drove at least 6 different website design programs in 4 weeks to finally settle on a website.... Weebly?

"I've never heard of Weebly?"

 Me neither.
 Until I meet two graphic designers at a women's event back in March that introduced me to Weebly. Little did I know then that I would be shopping around 3 weeks later for a new Website design program. Coincidence? No... God acting anonymously.

I'll explain why I chose Weebly in another blog post but this is my dilemma I've been struggling with for a few weeks. Weebly offers blog pages inside your website. I love this concept because for me that helps to eliminate a step from having too many places on the internet to keep track of. I don't know about you but maintaining a website, a separate blog and a facebook business page seems overwhelming at times.

Plus, I know it seems trivial but when printing business cards I used only one URL for my website and art blog. Makes sense right?

Blogspot/Blogger or Wordpress are the most common blogging websites. These blogging sites offers a "join this site" and I myself, love to see how many people are following a blog. my question is... will I be missing out if I don't post here and just post on my website blog? I'm hoping Weebly will be adding this feature soon but for now... I'll be posting on my NEW Website blog page... here's the link:

 If you have any suggestions, insight or comments please share....

Tuesday, April 10, 2012

Lemon, Limes and Lilies

t was just so much fun to paint these lilies! I love the way they sat so gracefully in their glass container lookin’ so pretty! they posed for a quick painting study that I started yesterday between my marathon road trip ... A total of 7 1/2 hours of driving! The day started at 6:45am with the typical  1  1/2hr round trip drive to West Hartford to drop my daughter off at school by 8am then home again. 
Lemon, Limes and Lilies, oil on gessoboard 6 x 6 available at  DailyPaintWorks online auction here

When I returned I found my son lounging on the couch. He had the day off from school and wasn’t expected back in his dorm until evening.  
I set up this still life first in the kitchen using ink and watercolor for a color study sketch and then moved it down to my art table in my studio.
I moved rapidly mix  my colors  knowing that I was expected to be on the road in less than 2 hours.
By 1pm we were back in the car to meet my dear friend Joy for lunch and the art exchange at Main Street Cafe in Cheshire. Delicious lunch along with wonderful company! Love ya Joy!
2:30pm and on to West Hartford to drop off Veronica’s lacrosse stick, a quick trip to the grocery store for snack food. Back to the school and then up Route 44 to Salisbury.  It’s such a beautiful ride through the countryside of Connecticut and I occasionally stop to sketch or take reference photos of the farms, houses and quaint towns we drive through. Dropped off Ray by 6pm and turned around to head home. Arrived in our driveway at 7:45pm... whewww what a day!

Let's meet on Facebook, Twitter or Linkedin..... and please check out my art at A Fresh Perspective - Original by linda S Marino... when you're there.... if you'd like to receive my weekly e-mails please fill out your contact information so I can send you a FREE Gallery Card  in the mail - with much gratitude and love ~Linda 

Thursday, April 5, 2012

Lilies and Melon

I was so excited how yesterday’s painting turned out I thought I would stick with the lilies until they withered. And boy do they smell so delightful coupled with the very ripened melon... I wish you were here so you too could enjoy this heavenly aroma!
Lilies and Melon, oil on canvas 12 x 12

As you can see in the small study and the watercolor sketch I include a white coffee cup. At the time I thought it made a lovely arrangement but I’m glad I left it out of the larger painting.
I’m looking forward to this weekend’s Easter Celebration with my family and attending church services. Easter has always been a favorite holiday since I was a little girl. Even though I still love coloring eggs, making easter baskets and chocolate bunnies... Easter is a time of celebration like no other. I’m so thankful that I can demonstrate the love and joy in my heart for a God who loves me... and I do it with a brush, tubes of colorful paint and canvas! 

Wednesday, April 4, 2012

Lilies and Limes

I purchased these lilies on Monday and it was quite the challenge to keep them away from my cat Jac! He just loves flowers and he’d follow me around the house hoping I’ll place the bouquet down on a counter he could reach. I purchases these at Trader Joe’s in West Hartford. I love their flowers... always fresh and very reasonably priced. 

Lilies and Limes, oil on canvas 12 x 12

It wasn’t until today that I found the perfect vase to display them in. I spotted this glass pitcher in a consignment shop called New to U Consignment in Wallingford. 
The Daily Paintwork’s Challenge this week is Easter and I really wanted to enter the challenge. Although I’m not sure what limes have to do with Easter. I like they way they balanced out the composition and the colors complimented each other.

from my sketchbook
a quick study