Tuesday, April 10, 2012

Lemon, Limes and Lilies

t was just so much fun to paint these lilies! I love the way they sat so gracefully in their glass container lookin’ so pretty! they posed for a quick painting study that I started yesterday between my marathon road trip ... A total of 7 1/2 hours of driving! The day started at 6:45am with the typical  1  1/2hr round trip drive to West Hartford to drop my daughter off at school by 8am then home again. 
Lemon, Limes and Lilies, oil on gessoboard 6 x 6 available at  DailyPaintWorks online auction here

When I returned I found my son lounging on the couch. He had the day off from school and wasn’t expected back in his dorm until evening.  
I set up this still life first in the kitchen using ink and watercolor for a color study sketch and then moved it down to my art table in my studio.
I moved rapidly mix  my colors  knowing that I was expected to be on the road in less than 2 hours.
By 1pm we were back in the car to meet my dear friend Joy for lunch and the art exchange at Main Street Cafe in Cheshire. Delicious lunch along with wonderful company! Love ya Joy!
2:30pm and on to West Hartford to drop off Veronica’s lacrosse stick, a quick trip to the grocery store for snack food. Back to the school and then up Route 44 to Salisbury.  It’s such a beautiful ride through the countryside of Connecticut and I occasionally stop to sketch or take reference photos of the farms, houses and quaint towns we drive through. Dropped off Ray by 6pm and turned around to head home. Arrived in our driveway at 7:45pm... whewww what a day!

Let's meet on Facebook, Twitter or Linkedin..... and please check out my art at A Fresh Perspective - Original by linda S Marino... when you're there.... if you'd like to receive my weekly e-mails please fill out your contact information so I can send you a FREE Gallery Card  in the mail - with much gratitude and love ~Linda 


  1. I like this a lot and love your pink on DPW.
    You are such a good artist.

    1. Thank you so much Julie. You are a wonderful artist too. I enjoy seeing your paintings on DPW. Happy Painting!

  2. it sounds like your life is as busy as mine ... kids... lacrosse games .. driving. But you find time to paint and you inspire me to keep going with your beautiful flowers!

    1. Thank you for your lovely words... life is busy but finding time (even if it's just a few minutes) to sketch or paint daily... makes each day a treasure... in my opinion. It's wonderful to connect with fellow artists who live a similar lifestyle. I use to long for the day I could paint all day, but as my kids get older and see how fast time flies, I'm truly grateful for every moment and don't want to rush a thing.

  3. Wow, you are busy! Lovely sense of light and color in this painting, Linda!

  4. I've seen your great oil paintigs in DPW. Still lifes and flowers show a great artist.
    Thank so much for your comment in DPW. Short, but expresive.
